February 19, 2025
Health Socially : Best health resources

Why Do Women Need Individual Health Insurance?

Every person is very well aware that a woman’s body is very different from a man’s. This also means they need a different type of healthcare than men. However, very seldom do we see women having individual health insurance. In most cases, they are part of a family floater plan or use their employee insurance. However, women may face very distinct health issues that will not be covered in a general medical insurance plan. This means that women must pay out of pocket when they need specific healthcare services. But this really should not be the case. Women should have individual health coverage to take care of any healthcare situation they find themselves in.

If you still do not understand why women may need individual health plans, we will talk more in-depth about it so you can get a clearer picture of the same.

Reasons Women Require Individual Health Plans

There are several reasons a woman should have healthcare plans for individuals, and we will be talking in depth about a few of those. You can examine these reasons to understand a woman’s healthcare needs and why she requires individual healthcare coverage.

  • Greater Incidence of Getting a Particular Illness

Sadly, women are especially prone than men to a variety of serious illnesses, including anaemia, breast cancer,  arthritis,  heart problems, osteoporosis,  and cardiovascular problems. Genes and an unhealthy lifestyle are probable contributing factors to this.  But because this could result in higher medical costs, women must get critical sickness insurance that can support them when needed.

  • Diabetes

Diabetes cases in women are increasing. Gestational diabetes, a kind of diabetes that can manifest during pregnancy in women who had never before had the disease, is one prevalent cause. Although the blood sugar is normally gone after the child is born, experiencing this increases the likelihood that women may eventually acquire type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes affects between 2% to 10% of pregnancies, and as more women opt to bear children later, this percentage will only rise. Therefore, confirming that your medical insurance plan covers diabetes is crucial.

  • Gynaecological Issues

All healthcare problems associated with a woman’s reproductive organs are more likely to find coverage in health insurance designed specifically for women. This takes care of long-term illnesses and conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, PCOS and pelvic inflammatory disorders.

  • High Pressure

Another very serious problem that is frequently disregarded in women is hypertension. Each year, over 1.5 million people die in South Asia from hypertension. Additionally, it is believed that 20–40% of Indians living in metropolitan areas have hypertension, which can cause various additional issues, particularly during pregnancy. If a woman has individual insurance, she can treat the illness at the source to ensure that it does not create any problems later in life, especially during pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Cancer

Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women, preceded by cervix, ovary, stomach and lung cancers. In India, the cumulative risk of breast cancer is one in 28 women, a deceptively large number. However, it must be kept in mind that women are more likely to recover from these cancers if they are detected early, so it should be made so women can access the treatment early on and get the chance to battle the disease.

  • Maternity Costs

Maternity and motherhood coincide with high medical costs due to the increasing cost of healthcare. Pregnancy insurance is typically supplied as an add-on component in individual medical insurance. It includes hospital costs in addition to all cases, from delivery fees to other pregnancy-related difficulties a mother may face. As a result, any woman who wishes to be a mother must make sure she has a medical insurance plan and that it will cover all necessary charges. In addition, pick a policy with extra concessions like infertility therapy coverage or medically needed abortions.

Summing Up

Women’s bodies, as mentioned, have different needs than men’s. If we club women in the plan together, their needs may be put aside. In addition, women with individual health coverage have access to cashless health insurance, making it easier for them to get the care they need. Thus, all women must have access to individual health plans.

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